23 Main St.
Terryville, CT 06786
Service Times
Sunday Group Bible Studies: 9:30 – 10:15 AM
Sunday Morning Service: 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Wednesday Night Prayer Service: 7:00 PM
(860) 378-4218
David Townsley is the pastor of Riverside Baptist Church. Pastor Townsley grew up in Southington, where his father is a pastor. For many years, Pastor Townsley and his wife, Annette, led the music ministry and young couples Bible study group. Three years ago, Central Baptist Church in Southington ordained David as a preacher of the gospel of Christ.
Annette grew up in Africa where her parents were missionaries. She taught high school before becoming a full-time mother and homemaker.
The Townsley family has lived in Terryville since 2009. They are excited about what God is doing in Terryville.
Ladies Group Singing for a Service
Evangelist Dan Souza Preaching a Revival Service
Worship the Lord while being encouraged and refreshed with rousing congregational singing and conservative, heart-felt specials. Meditate upon the truth from God’s Word set to music
We offer a variety of classes and ministries including group Bible studies, personal discipleship, and counseling. All of these and more are highlighted by Pastor David Townsley’s challenging, helpful, and insightful preaching. Our desire is for you to find many ways to make Bible principles a part of your daily life
Are You Visiting for the First Time?
Visiting a church for the very first time can be a tough experience. Where should I go? What should I wear? What time should I show up? What’s here for my kids? What can I expect? These and many more questions surface. We’d like to put you at ease. Your first visit to Riverside Baptist Church will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and “at home”! This is a place where you can experience new beginnings. Here are a few answers to your questions and what you might expect on your first visit.
What’s Available for my Children?
Starting with an excellent nursery, there is something special for every child from birth through sixth grade! On Sunday morning there is safe, clean, and well-staffed nursery care for those two years of age and younger. If you are the mother of an infant, you will receive a notification so that the nursery attendants can easily contact you if there is a need. For children three years old through third grade there are fun, friendly, and Bible-centered classes. These classes are staffed with trained, friendly, and well-qualified teachers and helpers who will make church exciting and memorable for your child.
How Should I Dress?
There is not a dress code at Riverside Baptist for members or guests. Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday” dress; however, our main goal is that you would feel welcome and comfortable on your visit here at Riverside Baptist. We encourage you to come dressed to worship the Lord.
What are the Services Like?
On Sunday mornings, you can participate in encouraging and uplifting music, as well as enjoy inspiring music from soloists and special groups. The music is always followed by a clear, helpful, and challenging Bible message from Pastor Townsley. Each service is just a little over one hour in length. We also have a Sunday evening service that begins at 6:00 PM. Again, in this service you’ll enjoy the special music as well as a challenging and helpful message from Pastor Townsley. We also meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM for a Bible study. We would enjoy having you come and visit us during any of the service times.
What are the Services Like?
On Sunday mornings, you can participate in encouraging and uplifting music, as well as enjoy inspiring music from soloists and special groups. The music is always followed by a clear, helpful, and challenging Bible message from Pastor Townsley. Each service is just a little over one hour in length. We also have a Sunday evening service that begins at 6:00 PM. Again, in this service you’ll enjoy the special music as well as a challenging and helpful message from Pastor Townsley. We also meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM for a Bible study. We would enjoy having you come and visit us during any of the service times.
If there’s something we missed on this list, just give us a call at 860-378-4218 or ask someone when you arrive. Whether you’re new to the area and looking for a church home, or if it’s been a long time since you’ve attended church at all, we hope your first visit at Riverside Baptist Church will be a great experience! We want to serve you and your family, and we are looking forward to meeting you personally. Please let us know how we can serve you better. We hope to meet you this Sunday!